Tapas Bandyopadhyaya

Tapas Bandyopadhyaya Poems

If you go away
take my sense of smell
or take the scent of the first rains after summer
that I may never remember

A cocky orange streetlight
Rudely interupts
My affair with the early evening sky
of an ambiguous white or fading blue

To clear up things.
To put on record

The Best Poem Of Tapas Bandyopadhyaya

If You Go Away

If you go away
take my sense of smell
or take the scent of the first rains after summer
that I may never remember
the fragrance of your skin.

If you go away
take my sense of hearing
or take the sound of sparrows
lifting the dawn
to another joyous day of expectation
of seeing you.

If you go away
take my sight
or taken November sunlight
lazing on my home street walls.
I’ll need no more winters
in Calcutta.

If you go away
give me extinction.

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