Teja Konduri

Teja Konduri Poems

There was a sound amongst the hills,
echoing in the valley of wind,
a challenge was made.

The leaf was fluttering in the blowing wind,
Dying and falling to its ultimate grave.
Sad and lonely falling from the sky,
landed in the hands of that precious woman.


Dark shadows crept in his sleep,
The world around him seemed bleak,
In the hills he stood alone, watching
the world drift into the beyond

The Best Poem Of Teja Konduri

An Eternity Of Sorrow.

There was a sound amongst the hills,
echoing in the valley of wind,
a challenge was made.

dark birds flew over the grey sky
fire, smoke, cloud, dust
blinded the gods,
all hope was lost.

a man stepped up,
undaunted by the demons
drew his sword, with all its glory
marched on..

a lake so placid, in a forest so dark
god be with the soul who passes thee
for he do not know what lurks beneath,

riding into the forest,
the land of men seemed distant,
there was no turning back,
the fiery horse galloped away

an abyss of oblivion for
those who dwell among the trees.
life an eternity of sorrow.

there lay the enemy, cold;
with a force so tremendous that
he couldnt fight,
but home was far away.

the winding road, to the gates of hell
was gleaming in delight.
despair was in the air.
the sword was broken.

the gods wept that day,
for their loyal soldier had fallen.
tears irrigating the land,
for another son of the soil to rise.

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