Terence George Craddock (Spectral Images and Images Of Light) Poems

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Polished Show Claimed To Be A Christian

'this one polished show claimed to be a Christian
yet when rare gifted he was with two unique poems
powerfully written in embodied bold Holy Spirit

Art In Mind Space Given

we share a passion
art is the meeting of minds
art transcends lives

Silver Is Granted Power Over Evil

silver silver is redemption metal
thirty pieces of silver payment
price for betrayal of prophet Christ

Swallow Flame Words

swallow flame words into soul at own risk
I paint distances between seen unseen at world's edges
I paint portraits above beneath mask as multi veils
I paint shift faces figures skin deeds intended done deeds

First Etchings

if I painted pictures
I would draw you in charcoal
wash away drama tears in watercolours
paint dimensionality of durability soul in oils

Climates Beckon Feet

but I travel eons far
load canvasses are too heavy
I walk journey through many phase worlds
seasons landscapes in many climates beckon bled feet

Dream Images

if I painted pictures
I would paint dream images
I would paint visions of inner mind's eye
I would paint life in veils swirling kaleidoscopic moods

For The Love Of Gold Shining In Their Eyes

gold gold is the fever metal
for the love of gold shining in their eyes
men resort to violent base morals

The Ways Of The Wind

sudden knowings
swift departings
are the ways of the wind

Protest Puffs Mortal

never scream into the wind
the wind will not wait to listen...
while the storm is indifferent
to protest puffs of mortal air...

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