Terence George Craddock (Spectral Images and Images Of Light) Poems

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No Time

at present
so busy
no time

The Sins Of Dictatorship

The sins of a nation resting upon cult shoulders; of only one man.
The sins of a nation born within covetous mind; of supreme one man.
A dictator casts his own dark shadows across; an iron ruled land.

Sibling Rivalry Little Sister Jealousy

Her mother said
she is easy
to upset lately

Legendary Sirens Luring Sailors Onto Rocks

stories of sirens
luring sailors
to their deaths

Pervasive Rhetoric War

with declared war on terrorism war
is promoted as a nationalistic virtue
by shadow governments who continue
to kill peace makers opposed to war

Strokes Style Rhythmic Powered Recovery

learn to swim through severe health problems
water helps support body strengthen mind needs
to swim through challenges our abilities pools

Simple Water Droplets

simple water droplets
small moist neutral
insignificant in size

Wearing Style Smile Side Pony Tail

plan juice up at JuiceBar in AKL
wearing style smile side pony tail
plan enjoying trail or hitting rail?

Alone Among A Sea Of Faces

alone in this world
among strange seas
oceans of new faces

Shaking Tent Ceremony Prophecy

enter shaking tent ceremony let the ground shake
as shaman enters with turtle four winds for community
remote viewing visions real time photographic seen prophecy

what definition on limits on sensation or perception?

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