Terence George Craddock (Spectral Images and Images Of Light) Poems

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Alexander The Great: Ancient World Conquest

Alexander pure will lion strength light skin
blond hair with one eye dark as pitch night
one melting blue as sweeping horizon sky
a sweet natural fragrance born in his body

Dolphins Laugh Celebrate Gift Life At Sunset

dolphins surface upon the top of the ocean
at end of day in enchanted glory of the sunset
shinning yellow through land horizon clouds

dolphin pod celebrates end of day together

The Garden Party

Anne looked down,
from the lofty heights
of a right royal nose,
and gave him a sneer

For Miroslava Odalovic Who Delights In Layers

layers stratum varied build geography squeezed life
always deposited on past possibilities future growth
fine veins rich veins sand layers hour glass growth

Burning Inner Intensity

first impressions
surface appearances
charisma charismatic

Freedom Love Coated

I dreamed a dream
a simple soul dream
a poetry site devoted
to freedom love coated

Jihad Is Not Muslim Killing Muslim

it was prophet wise Soloman who said
'hatred stirs up conflict, but love
covers over all wrongs' please reflect
Proverbs 10: 12
how in Lebanon Islam is hate perverted

Genius Will Escape Stereotypes

artists may wax mundane trivial in clichés
most seem to over generalize too much dross
most write in through their age race cultures

Learning As Spiritual Art Form

if I believed in grief regrets if I had a great regret
it would be that my teacher a great teacher any teacher
did not come a teacher to expand mind soul never came

because true art of learning knowledge with applied wisdom

God Uses Whoever God Chooses

God uses who God chooses
God chose what is foolish in the world
to shame the wise; (wise in their own words)

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