Terence George Craddock (Spectral Images and Images Of Light) Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Big Brother Attempts To Protect Political Abuses Of Power

Sarah Palin exhibit A supporter
of big government abuse of power.
Cannot be allowed to freely
dictate civil rights attack with immunity.

The Golden Face Of A Youthful Egyptian President

I have seen youthful golden face
of a new virile youthful Egyptian
President rising like radiant rays

Who Rules Once Great Republic Of Egypt?

Who rules once great Republic of Egypt
and by what authority does ye beast rule?

Emergency Laws imposed in 1967


After ordering teargas, rubber bullets, baton charges
after secret police beat isolated protesters with iron bars
demonstrators continue to vent their righteous fury
fueled by repression, poverty, unemployment, corruption.

Clear Simple Insight

Who walks with gift
of clear simple insight
in an age of mass media

Bloggers Blog Post On Postmortem Pages

dreamers ever lost
with their heads
hidden in expansive
white woven clouds

Palin On The Bill Of Rights

Palin states Assange
should be hunted down
like al-Qa'ida or Taliban.
A serious issue! A journalist?

Gabrielle Giffords In Political 'Crosshairs'

Palin’s Gabriel Giffords in political 'crosshairs'
was an act of terrorism or stupidity?
Fueled a massacre fueled reader gunman's rage?

Reason Why President George Attacked Afghanistan

Why attack? Afghanistan
government never had
plans to attack the US.

Sarah Palin Smoked Pot And Called The Kettle Black?

Sarah Palin prime presidential material stated
people’s hero Julian Assange is a terrorist! Then
imposed Presidential sentence to be carried out.

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