Terence George Craddock (Spectral Images and Images Of Light) Poems

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Hosni Mubarak The Rogue Elephant

with baited breath watch last charge
of a rogue bull elephant heated on musk
head shot charges stumbling blindly
on knowing in momentum rush it is dead...

Egyptian Facebook Protest

hear voice of Egyptian facebook generation
hear voice of Egyptian freedom youth call rise
what price facebook value now in freedom price?
what price facebook value now in market price?

President Mubarak Rocks Egypt

President Mubarak rocks Egypt
with denial of go freedom song
practices power moves to string
an Egyptian protest public along.

Mubarak Allah Knows All Our Sins

Mubarak Allah knows
every dark
assassination secret of lost soul.

Mubarak Throttles His Creation Fatted Calf

Behold fatted calf Egypt
is my cow I
order chaos sacrifice...

Egypt’s Bread And Butter Revolution

freedom democracy
employment dignity human rights
domestic internal policy
the right to live above the bread line

Teenage Mind Translates Intimacy Meanings

teenage mind enters into
an interactive visual journey
of age defining transition
lust desire to love copulative

Nature's Sting Back Survival Ploy

'Mankind consumes everything,
Coaxing Mother nature's wrath to sting! '

inspired poem Ken Hall themed in realities,

Dream Miracles God Speaks To Soul Mine

I gave God two more poems today
two perfectly harmonic resonating poems

two poems dream mind writ

Who Will Honour Remember Praise Our Struggle

We recognize the power of the written words
bravery of reporters journalists photographers

power of precisely focused startling shock images

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