Terwase Tyovihi

Terwase Tyovihi Poems

Failure is ceasing to try!
It's accepting defeat
And to all you may meet
Giving voice to a sigh;

Dead bodies floating
in our oceans
from North to the west side of
our Nation.

The wind breathe through me
it will spin round the photos on my fridge,
leaf through the pages of these books before
I read them

What turns men into killing machines, that blows apart lives and destroy innocent dreams? Look into the eyes of a child and may the pain that you see Haunt you as much as it haunt me.

Innocent lives destroyed by the things that they saw, In yet another pointless and brutal war.

The Best Poem Of Terwase Tyovihi


Failure is ceasing to try!
It's accepting defeat
And to all you may meet
Giving voice to a sigh;
It is thinking in vain
To attempt furthermore
And in bowing to pain
When the muscles grow sore.

Failure is sleeping aside
From the burnt of a fray
In a weak-hearted way
Being content to abide
In the shadows that falls
And in being afraid.
Out of life, after all,
Nothing is left to be made.

Failure is thinking despair
The forsaking of hope
And refusal to cope,
With the days round of care,
It's in heeding the cry,

'All is lost! ' and to stay
With defeat and not try
For the happier day.

Tyovihi Terwase

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