tesla blackburn

tesla blackburn Poems

where's the freedom and justice?
trapped behind bars
watching lightning fast cars
where's the freedom and justice?

hate me
but you can't brake me
but i'm still breathing

i am a surviver of abuse
surviver of a loss
stay alive
dont dive...

there once was a witch
who could switch;
from good to evil
she had a poisonious bottle of pills

i fell asleep
woke up and peeped
because i heard a sound
my heart stopped from what i found

I am Emily.
always so smiley
perfect teeth
never took meth

i heard a strange sound
my heart begin to pound
in my ear
is it true what i hear?

my name is beth
my enemy's death
im a survivor
my enemy's a liar

If love was a dog
i would beat it with a lgo
until it died
no more did it lied

confusing shove
comes with ahte
your heart is your bait

i feel hostile
my wisdom spreaded a mile
i now never smile
even down a weddile ille

Everytime I cried out in pain,
Daniel's there to comfort me,
Everytime I feel I can't keep sane,
Daniel makes me hug him and flee,


she was like a rose
her beauty was like a dose;
of heaven
but she's dangerous

why so much drama?
why so much trama?
all the choas
all the lies on people's fa-oce

feel older
feel a huge boulder;
on my shoulder
so many options

he thrust the whip
on my bare skin
blood slices down to my hip
starving and thin

as i walked down the street
staring at my feet
a car pulled up
a man hollered, 'wats up? '

my heart is black
a cold sack
never beats
no heats


i stromed into the courtroom
in confidence as assumed
stood tall
got my skinny jeans from the mall

I looked at the man.
crushing his pepsi can.

I smiled and said, 'Hello.'

tesla blackburn Biography

Um... im a sang. vampire. fuck wid me and i will do sumthing 2 u. no if, and's, or but's bout that. i get along with ppl well but i'm a very sensitive person. i do have an embrace of confidence surroundin me but inside is a different story. yes, im a bit depressive but aren't we all in sum shape or form depressed?)

The Best Poem Of tesla blackburn

Where's The Freedom And Justice?

where's the freedom and justice?
trapped behind bars
watching lightning fast cars
where's the freedom and justice?
why keep hope
when happiness pops like soap
where's the freedom and justice?
cant breathe
cant leave
where's the freedom and justice?
hate misery
hate mystery
where's the freedom and justice?
you get raped
get interviewed on tape
where's the freedom and justice?
goes to court
but his bad luck is not the unlucky sort
where's the freedom and justice?
he get's away
i like an idea that's revenge is a way!
where's the freedom and justice?

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