Francis Duggan Thanks Poems

It Is Thanks To Mike C

Advice from afar of which i did avail
Mike C from Millstreet reminded me in an email
If you cannot visit Claraghatlea in person visit there by Google Earth instead
This from a man in his thinking of me far ahead

Thanks All The Same

Since any deceased person i have known have not come back to me to tell
Of these supposed to be after life places of heaven and hell
Your ideas on this supposed after life and on how people should live
Little in food for thought to me does seem to give

It Is All Thanks To Nature

It is all thanks to Nature for the sexual drive
Without it life on Earth could not hope to survive
The inborn ego desires our genes to live on
In the life we create when the life from us has gone

No Thanks To People Like Him

He supports the same football team and he has voted for the same political party all of his life
And he often goes home from the pub and argues with his wife
Ten times a grandfather he sees anyone who believes in change
As one who lacks in conviction and in ways rather strange

Thanks To His Money

His mistress younger than him by four decades though he looks fit for one of sixty nine
And only to the most expensive restaurants does he take her out for to wine and dine
The old bloke he has got heaps of money and of money 'tis true what they say
That of those who have got plenty of it they do seem to have things their own way.

Thanks For The Memories

The young women of my prime years are ageing on the Internet pictures of some of them i do see
On Millstreet Town's World renowned web site that brings back old memories to me
Breda Tarrant, Catherine Moore and Eileen Murphy may be many years past their prime
But they have been wearing their years well and have not been bowing to old father time

Thanks To Lady Luck I Was Lucky Today

A bloke driving a truck at the tip backed into my car today
But lady luck she must have been looking my way
For though he damaged my car I escaped without injury
Thank you lady luck for being so nice to me

It Is Thanks To Money

It is thanks to money that he has a beautiful young wife
And it is thanks to money that he lives the good life
And though he earned his fortune in the honest way
Money speaks every language as some like to say.

Thanks To Lady Luck

A little of life one might say I have seen
And though many may look on me as a has been
I pay little heed to what some of me say
I only feel happy that healthwise I'm okay.

And It's All Thanks To Noel C

The 1993 Eurovision Song Contest was held in Millstreet Town a piece of history
And all of it due to one man the marvellous Noel C
A legend in his own lifetime his reputation grow
And he's done more for Millstreet Town than anyone I know.

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