The poet Yes

The poet Yes Poems

When making friends in rehab remember not to get too attached. In fact you may be better off skipping the friends thing altogether. What they don't tell you walking in here is that you may never see these people again.

The reason you shouldn't make friends is because people die everyday. That guy that looks like Eminem but hugs you when you when you needed it. The older woman, Donna, who smokes cigars to celebrates every night she made it through. The people who race to finish the cat puzzle first. Well, it'll probably be days. I mean statistically somebody has to do it.

The Best Poem Of The poet Yes

When Making Friends In Rehab

When making friends in rehab remember not to get too attached. In fact you may be better off skipping the friends thing altogether. What they don't tell you walking in here is that you may never see these people again.

The reason you shouldn't make friends is because people die everyday. That guy that looks like Eminem but hugs you when you when you needed it. The older woman, Donna, who smokes cigars to celebrates every night she made it through. The people who race to finish the cat puzzle first. Well, it'll probably be days. I mean statistically somebody has to do it.

They say across Canada the success rates for addiction is 2%. The one I went to promised that in 5 years at least a ⅓ of us would still be sober, while another ⅓ would be lost again in the spiral of addiction, and the last ⅓ well, they are the reason you shouldn't make friends in rehab. Because the only thing that kills people more than addiction is cancer. And they don't count the suicides.

But somewhere there's a man on a hill saying good riddance because they do not contribute to society in the way he desires, in a way he deems right. But Donna she looked me in the eyes and told me I was beautiful. Told me she loved me like a daughter. Asked if she could take me home with her. We had breakfast together but I got too hopeful, too confident that hope would cure us here is all. And another one bites the dust. While the rest of us are left here to process our emotions to feel selfish, to feel sad about things that other people have more more reason to be sad about.

Loving the downtrodden is precarious business. Hell, loving anyone is a risk so when making friends in general remember not to get too attached because someone might see them holding skittles in the dark of night. They might get on the wrong TransLink bus or maybe they just picked a really bad week to go to the Philippines. People die every day. The greater the statistic the less emotionally attached we are to the tragedy.1 million dead is more than our minds can fathom and so it does not sting, but one, one hurts.

All it takes is a loss of one person to send us tumbling into the darkness. This is a loss we can comprehend. But I love more than one person, and I have more than one friend. Statistically I'm promised that most of them will die before their time and it will hurt and I will forget to breathe for awhile but I'll need a friend then and the only option left will be to take a gamble, to be brave, and to love again.

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