Thomas King

Thomas King Poems

Do not weep for me now
For I am back in my mother's arms

Do not morn another day

Ascending from the depths
Of my personal sea of sorrow

I feel the pressure in my body easing

Look at you now
All bloated and stinking
Feeding the maggots and flies
What were you thinking?

Passion and love
Flows from your fingertips
Stimulating the desires
Held within my humble being

Red ripe is my fruit
Plump and bursting with resentment
Oozing remorse and regret
My pain Ready for you to harvest

The flames still strong
And the light is burning bright
as it did when you ignited it
On our very first night.

I asked a question
Onto the night
How is it love
Has not found me today?

Moist lips
Swollen with passion
Sent from thy red throbbing heart
Once resembling obsidian

Winter came
As night stood still
Bringing with it
A bitter chill

I really thought I knew
But I was sadly mistaken
The advantage over me
You had easily taken

Where hast thou gone?
Sweet innocents of youth
Thy reverence of purity
And subservient of truth

The face you now see
Is not really me
It’s a “MASK” I have found
When all I could do

I recited the words
To the first star at night
And hoped and prayed
That I got them all right

Devoid of all substance and matter
I am empty to the core
Cold and vacant are my eyes
My soul resides in me no more

Those three little words
Were spoken softly into my ear
But as they entered my head
They sounded like a symphony.

Thy wooden heart
Stands unloved
Within the hollows
Of the forest despair.

I've sailed towards freedom
A lifetime it seems,
But only do manage
To arrive in my dreams

Candle light breaks
the lonely dark night,
Silhouettes of lovers
embrace one another tight,

You envy me so
With all of your might
You want to steal all my warmth
And extinguish my light

Burning embers,
Flicker like fireflies
Aimlessly buzzing the night skies

The Best Poem Of Thomas King

Do Not Weep For Me Now

Do not weep for me now
For I am back in my mother's arms

Do not morn another day
For I walk in peace
With those who have been waiting in the light
To share their everlasting love

Do not be saddened
For I have been blessed with your love
And carry it in my heart
To my new plain of existence

Do not be afraid
For I am a part of the light that shines down upon you
And brightens your way towards your future

Do not feel lonely
For I am the one who will watch over and protect you
Until we again walk hand in hand
To our eternal place of peace

Thomas King Comments

Thank you for this powerful tribute to the act of living.

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