Tiffany Ip

Tiffany Ip Poems


I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.
It’s just, this is how I am.
I hurt everyone I come in contact with.
I want to say it’s not my fault, but I’d be lying, and I can’t do that to you.

The best time of day
is when I get to see you.
Get to hear your voice.

They say that you find yourself in high school,
that time will test exactly how long you expected "forever" to be,
that you'll create unforgettable memories with forgettable people,
that you'll figure everything out eventually.

I think the worst part of school is learning.
Learning that you might not have a place in
this small world. So you spend your time turning
into something, someone you haven’t been

Art isn’t always about what you can see.
It’s not always paint on a canvas, sitting inside a museum, waiting to be marveled at.
Let me tell you something about art.
It’s everywhere.

I think the best part of school is learning.
Not the calculus or the chemistry,
but the people, with emotions churning
making it, well, impossible to see

The Best Poem Of Tiffany Ip


I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.
It’s just, this is how I am.
I hurt everyone I come in contact with.
I want to say it’s not my fault, but I’d be lying, and I can’t do that to you.
I’ve already done enough damage.

I remember when you said you wished you didn’t have to go to school,
And I was really excited because I thought I could be the solution.
You’d be happy and I’d have a home.
It all seemed like it could work out.
But I guess I wasn’t exactly what you were looking for.

It’s really hard, not knowing your place in this world.
To not even be sure whether you’re living.
To finally feel like you belong somewhere only to turn around and realize that the one person you felt closest to was actually doing everything in their power to get rid of you.

I think that was the hardest thing.
Coming to the realization that you didn’t want me anymore,
Or that maybe you never wanted me at all.
When your dad took you to Urgent Care and asked the doctor, “How long? ” and your response was a soft groan.
I think that’s when it really hit me.

But don’t worry.
Sooner or later, I’ll be gone
And you won’t miss me.
No one ever does.

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