Tim Dyck

Tim Dyck Poems

What is this big mystery that makes them so alone?
Why do they feel so empty, so cold, so bare?
What do we do that makes them feel so unknown?
Is it really us that makes them tear?

The Best Poem Of Tim Dyck

The Big Mystery

What is this big mystery that makes them so alone?
Why do they feel so empty, so cold, so bare?
What do we do that makes them feel so unknown?
Is it really us that makes them tear?

How can we comprehend what's going on in their mind,
What makes them decide it's time to end it all,
Is it something we do? Are we blind?
Can our actions really be what makes them fall.

The ticking time bomb waits to explode,
When it does they can't turn back,
It gets too heavy and they can't carry the load,
Is it something we have or something they lack?

If there was a simple answer it would solve everything,
End their struggle of pain and hopelessness,
If I knew what it was I would end their crying,
Stop their suffering so living life wasn't a guess.

We both know that isn't possible,
Everyone has a choice,
God's plan is unchangeable,
But don't ever forget you always have a voice.

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