Todd Michael Cusato-Millar

Todd Michael Cusato-Millar Poems

Here lies my castle upon these grains of sand
I've molded every piece with my very own hands
This vision of my fortress has always lived inside of me
I've built it by the ocean for the entire world to see

On certain days i'm found playing in her tides
she begins to feel nervous and quickly turns to run and hide
I surf her sea of emotion and play in her swells
I walk her beaches often and slowly collect her shells

A lover's moon camps outside my window
Sometimes I think its mocking me
The midnight clouds they pass by so slowly
can't you hear them their talking about me

I stand on the shore though my feet never touch the ground
As the waves come crashing to the shore but never make a sound
The waves gently touch the sand then return back to the sea
somehow finally knowing they have met their destiny

I was awaken somewhere between the end of dusk
and the beginning of dawn
Only to witness the sun gently caressing the horizon
The trees held white crystals within them

Another cold December night has found me cold and alone
The brilliant moon illuminates my bedroom and exposes my loneliness
As i wrestle with these pillows and sheets as I surrender to my own defeat

The Best Poem Of Todd Michael Cusato-Millar


Here lies my castle upon these grains of sand
I've molded every piece with my very own hands
This vision of my fortress has always lived inside of me
I've built it by the ocean for the entire world to see
Inside my castle walls the theater always plays
within this frame of mind my dreams shall never run away
I have found everlasting peace in my world of make believe
while others stop and stare this is a world they can't conceive
But sometime in the night the waves took my castle into the sea
but all they took were grains of sand because my dreams will always live inside of me
the suns early morning light has awaken me from sleep
I think about the ocean and how she runs so deep
I look out over the ocean for it is all that I can see
Prophets proclaim it runs all the way to eternity
If I were to swim the ocean and on eternity I would stand
I would find my castle one among many just lying in the sand

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Todd Michael Cusato-Millar Quotes

Do not see the world as the way you would like it to be don't see the world for what it is capable of becoming but rather see the world for what it is and nothing more

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