Tom J. Mariani Poems

Hit Title Date Added
**bang! You'Re Dead

Games we used to play
With sticks and cap guns
We made noises with our mouths
Of shooting getting shot and dying

**2009**and The Winner Is

**a Cowboy Valentine-She Opened My Eyes - - What A Surprise

Thought I knew
Where this was a goin'
Sure read the signs wrong
She was a showin'

***6-25-09**what Soughs Through Me

If you admitted hearing voices
In ancient times they would have calledl you
A shaman a prophet a seer or
Maybe even Moses

12-07-07 No Poem Here

Just an observation on the anniversary of the failed intelligence that led to the US being unprepared and surprised by the attack on Pearl Harbor. An estimated loss of American lives that day 3,400.
It was also on this date in 1917 that the US declared war on Austria-Hungary.
I write this in light of the recent reevaluation of Iran's nuclear capability and intentions. Two articles in the London Times today reflect that we haven't come very far since 1917. 1) 'It should ceretainly not be the basis for declaring peace in our time and welcoming those nice Iranians back into the global family....(Iran's) proxies and friends in Hezballah and Hamas and among the Iraqi Shia extremists.'
2) new threats of Balkins conflict - -Serbia made threats of war with the breakaway province of Kosovo.

**11-15-09***- - I Miss Mirth

I've recently taken a long hard look
To see what's missing in this world
Things seem to be getting worse
What is making modern life so cold

**04 - 2009 - Drift, Drown, Or Decide

Do I want
To fall in love again?

2008: From 2001 - Just Enough To Win

No wasted energy here
You have to watch closely
Before you realize that older
And gray to playing way

A Friend Passing

Resting by the road
Open to the sky
Watching for the birds
And whatever else goes by

Life Is Truly A Ride

We're all strapped in.
When the doctor slaps your behind,
he's ripping your ticket and
away you go.

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