ToriJean Sulfrian

ToriJean Sulfrian Poems

Do I have to paint on the wall with my own blood,
For you to see what you mean to me.

ToriJean Sulfrian Biography

Hello. Im Tori, im 14 years young. People or things that make me smile; -William. -Ben. -My mom. -Llamas -Ice pops. -Matt. -Brooke. -Dinos. -ELIAS. -Thomas. -Cats. -Taco bell. -Kenzie. -Vampires. -Joie. -Joey. -Eating. -Writing Notes. -Heavy Music. -BFFQZ. -Good Books. -Garrett. -Pranks. -Neon Colors. people or things that don't make me smile; -My dad. -dogs. -Posers. -Backstabers. -Fakes. -Liers. -Cheaters.)

The Best Poem Of ToriJean Sulfrian

Pinky Promises Are Forever To Bad You Weren'T

I never believed in happy endings.I always thought to fall in 'love' was in kids books or movies. I always saw it, In pictures or the people walking down the street holding hands. Never thought anything about it, I never really cared. I never attened to actually fall in love. I did, I didn't like the feeling at first, I knew i'd end up hurt. But, After awhile it didn't matter, As long as I was in your heart, Holding your hand...Nothing mattered but you next to me. I sometimes wish I could start over from the begining cause then i'd know, for us just to stay friends. Other times i'm glad to say, 'Yeah, He was my first love'. But, after so many times of saying makes it harder and harder eachtime. When you asked me to be your wife, the world stopped, my heart skipped, and my mind black out. Cause for a second...I actually thought I had the happy ending like in the little kid books. But, Reality hit.. and it was nothing but words. Reality hit so hard.. it left me gasping for air. My friends say your the stupid one, I know I am.. They said you should be with me... I know you weren't happy no matter how much you deny it.. They said I should get over you... only if I could. When I said I loved you.. It took more than just three words, .. I never believed in anthing thing untill I met you..

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