Trinny Trin

Trinny Trin Poems

Sorrow came today,
And left me full of shame.
It's right down here inside of me
A feeling of disdain.


What did I do to deserve this life of pain?
All I want is to be loved and sheltered from the rain;
Is that too much to ask from me?
I hate my nightmares from the past,

I'm trapped in a prison cell
And cannot get away
Although I may like it at times
It still gets on my nerves.

Lost in a wilderness and a world unknown
Where lust and greed rule and love is rarely shown
People think they can have as they please
But they don't realise what the other person sees

My body is heavy
Head spinning
Eyes struggling
to stay awake

The end draws near
Peace will soon be mine.
Away from the anger and hated
I will go.

A little girl sits in the playground alone.
The others just whisper and stare.
Her mind is too numb to care anymore,
and her cheek doesn't notice the tear.

Raped of my innocence
At the age of eight
Grew up in a world
Where love was deprived.

A man whom I trusted,
A man whom I loved,
A man whom I cared for,
as a father, I thought he did a good job.

At eight years old I loved and trusted you.
In one day, I lost that trust, I feared you.
I knew what you had done wasn't right.
You told me to tell nobody, I never did.

It's a relief I suppose
now everyone knows.
Though I can't help but think
I was wrong.

Trinny Trin Biography

I write as a victim. A victim of what I can only describe as a lifetime of silent screaming. Years of unknown fears. Years of feelings of unworthiness, of feeling 'dirty', of feeling abandoned, of being sickly. Years of lost hope, faith and self confidence. Years of unwarranted shame and guilt and thoughts of suicide resulting from depression. Years of hate, years of an indescribable feeling of deep inner lonliness. Years of being crippled in my lack of capacity for loving. I write these poems as a way of expressing the emotions felt. I write in an attempt to help others understand what a victim of this vile treatment goes through. In any kind of pain, there is a need for their pain to be acknowledged by someone else. I am hoping to help others understand abuse be it physical, sexual or any kind of assault. I would like to stress that though many people do recover from the impact of sexual abuse, many are also lost - to drugs (and other addictions) , to violence and suicide. I pay my respect to all these unknown people, and I hope that by reading in some way recognises and acknowledges their pain, and perhaps helps others to break through to recovery.)

The Best Poem Of Trinny Trin


Sorrow came today,
And left me full of shame.
It's right down here inside of me
A feeling of disdain.

We cannot all defend ourselves,
As do the mighty foe,
Please rid me of this emptiness
Just let this sorrow go.

Here in the twilight hour
I feel like I could die;
When sorrow comes a rushing in
To send me to the sky.

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