Tyln Moodley Poems

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Fate Vs Cupid

You came into my life like a breeze would come to a sailer man's ship.A oar with move a raft. Wondrous as it may sound but painful as it retracts. Why does it wince although the arrows are still in the quiver. Im cluttered. I was contended but cupids lost this battle and fate as got his way once again..

The World Seems To Be A Script Play

When you wining the literature seems
to be your hero but when you loosing,
The villain seems to be your nightmare.
But why play out some one else's known

That Beautiful Girl

Valiant walks. Glittering eyes. Forged smiles, she has it all. Thats what you think. But less that you know.The wind blows and you notice the streaks in her hair.A reflection of her incomplete heart.

Change The Way Of Life

Painting pictures in my head, with inspirational blotting blue skys.Emotions maybe searing me..I wish i could offer salvation But nobody does that better then god himself. Just a thought, give a sec to human kind. And change the way of life

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