Uche Favour

Uche Favour Poems

The owls hoot nearby;

The screech-owl calls;

Lost in your cold cold arms

Yet your manliness endears me to you


I have five sisters who are great

There are days that I feel like I would die

So sore afraid in bed I would lie

I am black and referred to as a negro

Maybe it's the fault of my genotype

Everyone desires to be something
Each desires embedded with wanting
These wants may be good or bad
Surely these makes up a lad

The morning dews seem to consume me

I know not what the day holds in store

I sit there staring straight at it

Watching it disappear

When I gaze at the world
Am amazed by what I see
I wonder how the earth came to be
I wonder how everything in it was spoken to life

I could hear music

But I didn't know what type of music

My First Abecedarian Poem!

Azure skies are today

Meet me where the sky touches the sea
We'll chitchat, kiss and have some tea
Embrace me where the sun scorches the earth
Your touch I've long felt

Uche Favour Biography

Born in Lagos, Nigeria. Lost my mom in 2013, been heartbroken since but trying yo fix myself with my writing and poems. An Ardent reader and a writer. Visit my page at www.medium.com/@Favournella.)

The Best Poem Of Uche Favour

Lost In The Thick, Dark Forest

The owls hoot nearby;

The screech-owl calls;

The wolves howl in the distance;

The beetles tap and tap in an endless charade

The cicada seems like it won't give up clinging to the trees; its eyes looks lovely

The bush dog barks incessantly;

The squirrels stare inquisitively at me from the comforts of the fever tree

The ants make merry inside the whistling thorns, they seem happy as they make music

I can see the sunset now; like a baby it must sleep to awaken the next day.

I also want to sleep, but the ominous sound of fear; fear of the unknown; fear of being killed by an animal keeps my eyes wide awake but my mind slumbers

The enormous baobabs converge on me, forming a protective shield but why do I still feel insecure?

How did I find my way here? How did I get here?

I can't remember what had brought me here!

I need to go home but where is home?

I'm lost at night in a forest overgrown

I keep on walking; destination unknown; my fate have been decided

Thickets of bush engulf me;

Can hardly see anything now, it's dark yet I'm still trekking

I'm thirsty and hungry;

My legs ache, I don't want to walk anymore — just to sleep

I can hear a rattlesnake closeby;

The sound is getting closer; closer to me

How do I run? Where do I run to?

I'm walking faster now; the thought of food and thirst overtaken by the will to survive

The blackbirds are whistling now,

Calling me home, showing me the way home,

I must follow to please our kindred spirits;

My ancestors have finally smiled on me

I can see mom preparing the firewood for cooking outside the house

When she looked up to me and smiled, I knew I was home; safe and sound

I don't want to be in the forest anymore!

Favour! Favour! , my mom calls.

I stifled a yawn;

Alas! It was only a dream.

Uche Favour Comments

Uche Favour Quotes

Never compose a people to please; do so from the deepest parts of your hearts because that's where that inner poet sleeps and slumbers, waiting to be awakened from reverie

A poet is not a lazy person or a lazy man's job, just an ordinary man who writes extraordinary things

There's a poet in everyone, we're just too less concerned to feel it

Write me a poem and I'll sing you an anthem

You're never too old or too young to be a poet

Let your imaginations run wild when you compose a poem

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