unkown person

unkown person Poems

could you hold me a little longer
pick me up and bring and me back stronger
could you see me as you did the day we met
hold it forever never to forget

Baby girl you know I love you through thick and thin never shall I waver,
Even in your darkest days close your eyes and hear me say you are stronger than you know allow me to be your savior,
There is good and bad in everyday, but how you perceive it is the path to being okay, yet dwelling on things out of your control will lead you into the arms of dismay
I know those days that are hard to breathe, feeling as though you are just bellow the surface with waves crashing pushing you further beneath

I think I'm giving up this time it's really time to go

Putting things in order now before the demons  show

I cannot breathe and my hands begin to sweat
Feels as though an elephant is on my chest
The walls are closing in
Oh no not this again

I need a minute to collect my thoughts,
Before I am consumed by the darkness of the damned and lost,
They say that forgiveness is key,
Yet what do I do when there is none left in me,

Do you really see me,
or is it only what you want to see,
I can't plead for this peace I can not find,
thoughts run wild not even silence can I find,

The Best Poem Of unkown person

Hold Me A Little Longer

could you hold me a little longer
pick me up and bring and me back stronger
could you see me as you did the day we met
hold it forever never to forget
remind me of the passion we once shared
nothing in this world could have compared
stop my heart one more time
like wen our lips first met my heart began to climb
crazy how fast life can go with someone you love
we could make it through anything push come to shove

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