V F Poems

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I Belong To You

You make me laugh.. make my spirit soar..
Your smile brings sunshine into my life..
Your love transcending distance and time..
Nurtures me.. keeps me vibrant.. alive..


I cannot explain the joy I feel
as I gaze upon the shape of fluffy white clouds, crafted by winds unseen.
My soul swells at the colors and shades of the sun setting behind majestic mountains
At the glistening sparkle, reflecting off sun kissed waters


You know I think of you all the time..
Last night as I lay myself down to sleep,
I tried to imagine our meeting..
All that I'd do, preen and deck...

Missing You

My love.. i Miss you..

Like an arrow piercing the heart through and through
the pain dulls at times, but never completely goes away

909. Look Into Mine Eyes..

Come close to me love
let us sit by side
upon the grassy bank
beneath our favorite tree

908. Angel Of Mine..

Dear sweet guardian angel of mine
this prayer I make to you tonight
from now on leave thou my side
& spread thy wings over the dear heart of mine

914. You Are Most Special And Very Precious To Me...

It so cuts me up my love
To be away from you..
It squeezes me deep deep inside
To be thus apart from you..

889. When I Am Cross..

Why do I argue till I am blue?
why do I mope, sulk and grumble too?

It is because I miss you..

884. Joy

Im so happy and so glad... I dance and clap and sing like mad..
I dunno how and whom to tell.. but tis so true and well said..
Im so happy and so glad.. he still loves me oh yes oh yes..
I could die right now of joy.. feels like a huge load lifted off my head..

996 Sacrifice

Is it too late now
To draw back
To run
To hide

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