vanessa coleman

vanessa coleman Poems

lost without you, no one will ever know how much i really loved you..
why do i feel so bad..I knew in my heart i was making the right choice.. losing you would have been worse.
so now i feel incomplete, lost without my other half. I will never forget you, i will always love you. No matter what i know in my heart that you will always be the only man for me...and i miss you..every little thing about you, how when you would smile at me..even if i was mad or sad it would make me happy.....even the fights that brought us closer together, made us grow up more and more. All that bull ish we been though only made us learn more about each other...i wish you were here with us.....

The Best Poem Of vanessa coleman

Lost Without You...

lost without you, no one will ever know how much i really loved you..
why do i feel so bad..I knew in my heart i was making the right choice.. losing you would have been worse.
so now i feel incomplete, lost without my other half. I will never forget you, i will always love you. No matter what i know in my heart that you will always be the only man for me...and i miss you..every little thing about you, how when you would smile at me..even if i was mad or sad it would make me happy.....even the fights that brought us closer together, made us grow up more and more. All that bull ish we been though only made us learn more about each other...i wish you were here with us.....

i'm just so lost without you...

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