Varun Kapadia

Varun Kapadia Poems

Is there any purpose in my life?
Asks a suicidal guy before he takes a knife
Lonely in his life, without a wife
Battling these thoughts every day, no end to this strife

The Best Poem Of Varun Kapadia

Purpose Of Life

Is there any purpose in my life?
Asks a suicidal guy before he takes a knife
Lonely in his life, without a wife
Battling these thoughts every day, no end to this strife

It's sad, a life without any purpose
All this time wasted, thinking everything was worthless
Memories haunt me, shove it all down the furnace
A sad clown, in this horrible circus

Prime time, everyone wants to succeed
Not doing it for passion, just pure greed
So disgusting that lust for money, give in, concede
They all need healing, with the green-gold seaweed

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