vee grayson

vee grayson Poems

Broken, sad and displeased
What have I done to deserve this
I give and I give
But I always end up broken

The Best Poem Of vee grayson


Broken, sad and displeased
What have I done to deserve this
I give and I give
But I always end up broken
What good is a heart
When its constantly hurting
Feeling lonely, crying to be loved
Is that so much to ask?
Little by little you demand and I fall victim
Crying wolf until I don't even belief no more
I'm broken like a shattering mirror
Picking up the pieces of my heart treating it with care
Trying not to get cut by the jagged edges tainted with blood
Traces of the hurt embrace me oh so heavy
Tears of sorrow stained upon my face
Tied and drained...
Repairing my heart will take time
Pieces being put together like a puzzle
Never knowing when it will heal
Memories of a broken heart


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