veronica spears

veronica spears Poems

This world I live in which I luv and hate

I will not miss what little I leave behind

My Family:

Fighting and Screaming is never the answer

Cant Hide It Any Longer:

I think its best we dont talk

She cries all night

They try to ingore but they just can seem to forget

I know people think Im young and dumb

But thats not true, I may be young but Im not dumb

U werent what i wanted

U lied to me

Not The Girl 4 U:

I know u told me that u luv me but im telling u that im not the girl 4 u

It could never b what I want it 2 b:

Things need to b made clear between u and me

My Pain, My Thoughts:

I never thought I would ever feel this way

veronica spears Biography

By poems are my thoughts so please read them and enjoy them)

The Best Poem Of veronica spears

Depression Hurts

This world I live in which I luv and hate

I will not miss what little I leave behind

I've come 2 find this world can be so unkind

It's the truth when i say im tired,

tired of trying..................But surely no one will

cry im not one whose memory will left behind

Though I still try from time 2 time

I feel as if there is no need for me and its time

2 die.......................Rules and guidelines do

Not apply once I’ve made up my mind...............

I’m not saying its ur fault im just saying im

getting tired of trying.....

Im sure someday u will forget but as for me

I will never forget; my ending is what I want and what I need

2 fill the need to feel complete........

I know im giving in but im not strong enough the

Pain is 2 intense it makes me feel depressed

My feelings that are deep within make me feel as if

There is no need to live.............. Im sorry when I say I believe death

Is the only way.

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