Victor Horo

Victor Horo Poems

It all started with a smile,
She waited for him a little while
Letters were exchanged like goods,
But it was their traders, who saw their books

The Best Poem Of Victor Horo

Story Of A Smile

It all started with a smile,
She waited for him a little while
Letters were exchanged like goods,
But it was their traders, who saw their books
Soon these became an affair of the past,
As they started to meet very fast
It did not take long for them to fall,
As they did not want to part

Their love kept growing every time they met,
But it was not too long to put them to test
He had to travel very far for a better future,
Which made her sad but much more sweeter
It was the first time they parted ways,
With tears in their eyes and stronger roles to play
Both missed each other very badly,
But they heard each other's voices more gladly

Now came insecurity to play its part,
But it was something which could not set them apart
Many were the times they fought and cried,
But at the end they always made it right
They remained strong and composed,
No matter what came they would always be bold
All was going very smoothly,
But life had plans to be a little moody

Little did he know that his time had come,
It was only when he could not run
His illness took over him within a year,
All he could was cry a tear
He said to her "Wish i could live a little longer my dear"
She could not utter a single word,
As grief took over her world
He lay calmly at the bed,
As she cried and wept
She finally had to let him go,
But it was the first smile which will always make her glow.

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