Vida Nenadic

Vida Nenadic Poems


Do not hesitate
as hesitation is leading to defeat.

I was traveling
through reading.

On the edges
of forgetfulness
there are shadows

I am not going to tell you the name of the city
in which my steps are still searching for me.

I am not going to tell you the name of the city

For years now
I have been dreaming about returning home.
For good.

She was sitting,
on an empty seat, next to me,
covered by thoughts full of forgotten smells,
with the scarf colored by past times,

He follows me
and always
stays around me.

Because of the tape
which was cut off,
because of the dust on the pictures,
which are more yellow as time goes by.

When I had someone to call me
I had no phone.
Now I have two phones
But have no one who calls.

It is painful
to live in this time and age.

It is painful

Your time has evaporated
like alcohol from an open bottle.

It looks as if it could hear me.

While I was in the valley
I was looking towards the mountain.

From the mountain top

Do not blame me
for not jumping out of my skin,
for not reading the unwritten
for not hearing the unheard.

My life is
my own journey.

Two small dogs
were left
in a carton

There is a sleeping soul in a man.
The time is passing by and changing us
on its way.
Only the blood

He knew that the one
who shoots first
is more likely to survive.

Like sadness
on the island of tears,
so wet and miserable

The autumn like this
I am facing for the very first time.

I am writing to you

She used to make cakes
as if she was
writing a song.

Vida Nenadic Biography

VIDA NENADIC Was born ON 27/08/1964, in Uzice, Serbia. So far she has published two novels and six poetry books: THE DUST OF FORGETFULNESS(2007) , IN THE MIST OF THE MEMORIES(2007, THE BUCKLE (2009) , IF I AM JUST A THOUGHT (2010) , ONE HAND FULL OF SAND IN TIME (2012) , POET'S PHARMACY (2016) . Her first novel ZOO CALLED LONDON won the best unpublished book competition run by the Graphic studio DERETA in Belgrade (2008) . Her second novel CREDIT CRUNCH was published in 2016. Some of her poems were translated into English, Macedonian, Bulgarian and German. She is a member of the Association of Writers of Serbia. Lives and works in London.)

The Best Poem Of Vida Nenadic



Do not hesitate
as hesitation is leading to defeat.


And enjoy it.
Travel through time.


Until you find the truth,
no matter where it is hidden.


And search for it
even if it was in the unknown.

On the road
leading from east to west.

So, we may meet there.
For the best.

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