Vihanga Perera Poems

Hit Title Date Added
The Ill-Lit Way Ahead

One night - it was past ten, more eleven -
I was traveling with my heart heavy,
And where the bus let me off by
Letting me slide off the foot board,

The Removed Pages

Our lives are note pads, the
Kind on which we sketch with deliberate pen,
With refillable ink, with a pause for thought
Before a doodled smiley, now and then.

On The Pain Of Walking Out

One June I walked out that door
Thinking that that was it; that
I would not return there again —
And as I walked down through the

The Surviving Strings

The song that was written for you
On a guitar with just four surviving strings
— For over a decade that bane of an instrument lay
Serene among cobwebs, debris and distant things —

Time For A Cup Of Tea

A friend from mid teens,
Who said for love he'll take his life,
Met me, a decade later, at
An obscure pharmacy with a

The Actual Breaking Up

In the end, the actual breaking up
Is not by the least justified
By the strain that precedes and
The pain which the mere

The Age Of Letting Kites Go

One day, from behind an
Oak, wooden door, from among the
Many thousand things she will then
Check in and out to do,

Marieke, At Primrose Hill

The way I remember you
Is the way I remember you on Primrose Hill
On a walk I wished would linger; not end:
Gazing far away into the city, cushioned between mountains,

May To June

We prolong the inevitable
Ending to whatever memories we gathered,
Whatever tension we lived through,
Hesitant in our words, undecided in our moves,

Distant Embrace

There was some sense of foreboding
Which was ridiculous, in a sense,
As there was no way that you would die;
But, I remember, a tremor that moved me

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