Vincent Onyeche Poems

Hit Title Date Added
A Chat By Brothers

During the days
Days of Dads retirement
Celebration for a new pensioner
On and Off-line

Tales Of A Wife: Addiction

Continence of love crested over me
Deep down downstream
It flows through my vein
Love baron; I play its dirty game

Expression Eruption: Peace

There's this thing that takes time to turn
The background radiation is radioactive in the air.

This thing is an entity in the soul dirt

Expression Eruption: Tafawa Balewa's Death Wish

Part of a whole but I'm broken
Torn into three unstable fragments
Incompetent of religious believe.

Last Designation: Family Man

Sometimes he wish he could diffuse
And be everywhere at same time
So he keeps embarking on a trip
An endless trip for an ultimate search

City And Nature

Before the Sun was energized,
I drove around the city with nothing in mind to find...
But stumbled upon a beauty of a kind
An untold story could tell the breeze was cold.

Expression Eruption: Self Esteem

Self-esteem is a merit
You earn it
If you are blind to haters.

Expression Eruption: Pigs & Rule

It's a dirty game... What is it?
From freedom to chains and tattoos
From speak up to shut up by guns
Then speak up democracy is born

Expression Eruption: Get Love

Not all Africans are dark
I know you've heard the dogs bark
And watched tails wag in front of strangers,

Expression Eruption: Your Opinion

Yes you can scream, scream
Yes your voice is loud, scream
Yes you got the ideas, say it
Yelling atop of knowledge knuckle.

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