As i sit here bitting my lip, a distant
memory comes to mind, something
is missing that I can not find.
My day's in here are cold and gray but
I may appear to happy and all good on the outside, but I'm not. I play a role like gangsters on death row, who smile an laugh and reminise on the past. But then reality comes out to play and then they realize they'll be headed to there grave's.
Where I'm from there is no such thing as happiness and the sun
never shines.I'am used to the darkness, so when the sunlight
peep's through the crack's I'm instantly blinded.
I know the loss is extreme but I'm asking you to leave... Stop talking to me, I don't want to do these kind of thing's.
I don't want to runaway. I don't to say goodbye. Most of all
I don't want to see my family cry.
Get out of my life I've asked! but the demon's say they wont!
For just one day can you take me away to a paradise? I really need it right now because I'm tired of my life.
I'm tired of struggling just to get by.
I'm still living in poverty and I don't understand why....
Why must I live like this? Why must my daughter sleep on a couch?
It's hard for me to say this
But I'am going to have to face it
I miss you...
I'am not going to lie, I had hated
I love him to death, but dead my soul has become.
He says he loves me but to me it seems as,
though his emotions
have gone numb.
My heart ache's because I know
I can not call you mine. I sit here crying
a river of tear's because I've been in
love with you this entire time.
Can Not Cry
As i sit here bitting my lip, a distant
memory comes to mind, something
is missing that I can not find.
My day's in here are cold and gray but
still I have to stay and pay.
Why is it that I can not cry? could it be that I
have to much pride? or is it because I have already
faced a situation like this? Or could it be there is
something or someone that I miss?
I just wish I can feel a mother's warm embrace
or a gentle touch. It has been a while since I have
been loved.
I feel as though there is no way I can get over my past.,
every time I think about it I smile and I laugh.
Because I can not cry.
It seem's like the harder I try not to cry, the more tear's
seem to drip even harder from my eye's. You can not
see them, dripping from my face, they are invisible,
they have no trace.
What are god's intention's?
What is the purpose of my life?
Eighter way it dosen't matter because I
will alway's be lonley, depressed and sad.
And still I will not cry.
Vivian Pena