wafae bazzi

wafae bazzi Poems

It was not so long ago
when i thought i'de never meet someone like you
wrong, was I, thinking i'm in control
believing i'de never fall

'i love you' means
that i accept you for the person you are
and that i don't wish to change you into someone else
it means that i do not expect integrality and perfection from you

i feared being alone
until i learned to like myself
i feared failure
until i realized that i only fail when i don't try

for so long i was always searching and hoping to find
the one who'll help me to discover what feels like to be in love
and discover the truth about love, but i started to giving up
than suddenly one day, i saw you standing ther just like an angel

i'm sorry, i just can't forget you
i know it's too late
but i would really like to tell you that i regret for the moments i've wasted by not being with you
i'm sorry for not loving you the way you did

Every time i think about you
i'm reminded of the reasons
why i love you from the depth
of my heart and soul

just thinking i may not see those eyes again
it gets so hard for me not to cry
you know how hard i tried sacrificing with everything
just to make stay with me

you walked into my life
but just like that
you walked back out
still you will be a memory

if you need a friend
and there are a hundred step between us
you can take the first stepto get near me
and i'll take the rest

people like you are
found one i a lifetime
so you better take care of your self
because i don't want to waste another lifetime

you are far away
but i can feel you
you exist in my heart
you exist in my soul

I always see the fire works
when i'm with you
i only think about you
and i forget my blues


it is GOD who arms me
with strength
and makes my way perfect
he enables me to stand the heights

by your side it hurts
to know that you're hurting
because you're so special
in my heart

A mother is special
She's as soft and graceful as a butterfly,
yet as strong and courageous
as a grizzly bear.

i'm sorry for all the pain
that i've caused you
i know that i'm not the easiest person to live with
but i have to do things my own way

we go through life
and so few people say
'hey you're doing a good job'
or'you're on the right track with your life'

i'll never leave you
never say goodbye
i'll be there for you
every time you cry


falling in love with you no turning back
finally i feel like my life is on track
your love has been my ticket to happiness and changed my world like i've never seen
nothing will part us let nothing between

i want you to know that set my heart ablaze
you're the air that i breath and without you i'de die
to be with you always is on that i rely
my heart want to explode from the fresh morning new

The Best Poem Of wafae bazzi

All My Life

It was not so long ago
when i thought i'de never meet someone like you
wrong, was I, thinking i'm in control
believing i'de never fall
all my life i thought no one would melt a heart
like mine, a heart so cold, a heart hardened by hte past
protected by shields so vast
slowly i was falling, without never knowing
only to find out too late
i have no choice but to accept my faith
i could dream i suppose, forever i could hope
there will never be any 'us' that's our destiny
so i wake up to reality, i lied when i said i didn't love you
that's my feeling for you
i lied, not because i wanted to
but because i love you and i didn't want to hurt you
i wouldn't do a thing to hurt you but i just have to let go
i can't hold on so mush longer
because for us there's no forever

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