wapple sorongon Poems

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Honest Realization

I've been here a short time. But from the day my life began, knowingly and unknowingly, I've learned things. Some of these lessons have brought me wisdom, luck and fortune, while others brought misery and pain. And yet all that I learned, which at first seemed destructive and disheartening, later turned out to have deeper meanings- blessings in disguise. They taught me that I had more to learn. They gave me wisdom and helped me judge situations with a wider perspective and a more experienced mind.

My enemies, I know are my best friends, because through them I've learned that I am no saint. You need two people for a conversation so you sure as heck need two people to start a fight. Feuds and disputes- it's a two sided affair! Love, hate, its all the same story, Blaming someone and something is pointless. There is no denying it, nobody is perfect. Perfection, in its fullest meaning, can never be attained.

True Friend

Everyday I can't stop myself
from thinking of you.
I need to know if you’re my true friend,
will you be by my side until the end?

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