Whimsical Wanderer

Whimsical Wanderer Poems

There was once a man
Happy and whole
Although frail of body
He had an iron will

And as the ebony clouds part

Sunlit rays of pure gold kiss the landscape

It looms over me

Casting its enormous shadow

With nary a look

With naught but a turn of the head

Strength flooded into me
Adrenaline flowed through my veins
My legs moved of their own accord
I broke free of the anchor keeping me bound

The Best Poem Of Whimsical Wanderer

Damaged Beyond Repair

There was once a man
Happy and whole
Although frail of body
He had an iron will

His heart was hidden behind bars of steel
Before someone he had yet to kneel
His decisions were free from doubt
Consequences he had no care about

Such a man might be nigh invincible
With a clear mind and sharp wits
Bringing him down seemed like a fool's task
Who would have thought that he would sink his own ark?

For the man longed to experience love
Without it, incomplete was life
So he broke his heart out of it's prison
He released the incarnation of strife

Slowly his heart began to thaw
The man experienced feelings like he had never before
Darkness and despair followed close behind
The now vulnerable heart allowing them to rear their ebony maw

And then she entered his life
Slipping in through the cracks
Enervating, debilitating
The fortress was now open to attacks

And so Fate found him
This romantic, trusting fool
Fate took a morbid interest
So it could make jokes at his expense

The man, seduced by Fate's sweet lies
Began to feel too much
Every day he woke up with hope
Knowledge, like a madman he began to devour

But cursed is the man who knows too much
He began to draw parallels
He began to see signs
But he was doomed to fail, for it was never meant to be

Then Fate decided that the fun was over
It dropped it's guise, it's elaborate cover
And decided that he was to suffer

The man knew nothing of this plan
He still thought Fate was his friend
He would never have imagined
That he was to face such a bitter end

Darkness and despair were agents of chaos
Only Fate held their reigns
They had slipped in like ethereal swords
And now they flowed like poison through his veins

The once mighty man was soon to be brought low
He began to doubt his epic quest
Maybe he had misjudged it all
Maybe it was time to retreat

Seizing this opportune moment
Fate snatched her away
Having felt the fullness of life
The man was forever scarred

So he gave in to his darker self
If only to forget the pain
He tried to find meaning in life
But all in vain

He realised that it would never have worked
But it still hurt like hell
He decided to imprison his heart again
In the cold, iron cell

For loving was being vulnerable, open to assault
He knew his heart would become impenetrable
But it was better than the pain

The knowledge he had gained
Began to show him the world's true colors
He painted the sky with his bleeding heart
And realised how hopeless was his plight

The days became routine, ever the same
Pain and suffering everywhere around him
He stopped living and started existing instead
Waiting for his soul to be added to the Reaper's harvest

Whimsical Wanderer Comments

Panagiota Romios 19 June 2019

Welcome here you write well Panagiota

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