Whinny Baybay

Whinny Baybay Poems

Sweet bird come back to me
Sea glass cuts my rosy cheeks, I miss my tears

I wonder the dark city streets with my snow white companion

Why dose this always happen?
I feel so alone.
Though I know it should not matter.
But it still bothers me that you are not there.

The Best Poem Of Whinny Baybay

I'M A Wappofee Idiot

Sweet bird come back to me
Sea glass cuts my rosy cheeks, I miss my tears

I wonder the dark city streets with my snow white companion
Her hair curlys with excitment and mine turns red with thrill.
Our laughter is brighter then the lights

inhale the smoke, pull deep, hold long, let the wave pull you under if you want to live.
The water in the ocean is warmer then the air on land.

snow white has no prince charming he was turned into a chamilion. Oh Chamilion boy those dread locks don't suit you. Don't you know you need your Noi Girl?

My computer won't work, Can you fix it again? I'v posioned it with my music

Say Anything boy get back in your bat mobil with out me.
and I will promise to not be angry at you
'I'm a psycho whoa I'm psycho whoa'

stone lips of a friend touch mine and I try to remeber yours.

down your medicine don't belive it when they tell you it is posion, it tates like peaches. The world spins happily in the summer time and you realize
we are all toungue tied finding the words goodbye.we all are virgin cotton nyphms. You can always get a good nights rest on the floor near the bed.

pour yourself another cup of coffee. if you want to remeber the white rush

We are all wild and over grown and you will see that hearts colors change like leaves

Sweet tree, I run like water through your mind and you run like water through my hands. as time goes on you forget me and I can't stop that but I still think maybe when my phone vibrates it may be you. They took down our sign.

Fall Fast Fall Free Fall for me.

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