Wida Tausif

Wida Tausif Poems

'Today brings the end of our trip
our time as a group is now over, that's it
I love the simple word hello
It always rings an enjoyable bell

A day filled with mourning,
a day when life was so short and dear,
a day that will never be forgotten,
the day sorrow taught us to fear.

Shabe barat,
a blessing night,
sweets prepared,
... skies lighten up,

As I walk in the streets of this foreign city,
I remember my sweet Kabul,
The beautiful gardens,
And the fountains.

Education means proud
Time means important.
Achieving your goals means
you have reached for the sky

Wida Tausif Biography

Afghan, New Zealander poet Wida Tausif, born in Afghanistan in 1992, comes from a very well educated family; her mother a teacher and her father a ‘government director’ and as has been the case for many Afghans, Wida and her family fled to Pakistan and stayed in Peshawar for the next 9 years. Her father and brother were the only breadwinners in the family at that time and life was uncertain. They decided to register with the United Nations High Commission to find a safer environment for the family to live. Encountering many hurdles along the way, they were eventually granted residency to New Zealand, which Wida felt was ‘the furthest part of the world’…. Wida has just moved to Melbourne due to the earthquake that struck in Christchurch recently. She now enjoys living in Melbourne, a much safer environment where she has an equal chance for a first-class future. Wida successfully completed high school in 2010 and is quiet content. With a very real talent for writing about her homeland and her many emotional experiences, she puts into words the often traumatic and difficult transition from Afghanistan to Peshawar, Peshawar to New Zealand and eventually to Australia. Quoting the young woman herself, Wida’s main goals in life are to ‘bring light in my people’s heart and keeping our Afghani culture alive’ by writing and becoming an official representative of her beautiful country. Wida is one of the many young and upcoming talented Afghans who are not only in touch with their roots but also on a quest to encourage others, despite living far away from her beloved country. Wida does this through her beautifully deep crafted poetry. Other communities outside of our Afghan community are captivated by her poetry. Bernadette Hall, a well known NZ poet, said of Wida’s poem Sweet Afghanistan ‘…reminds me of some of the work of South American liberationist poets, like Neruda and Vallejo’. Wida should definitely pursue her writing. This same poem was nominated in Canterbury during National Poetry Day (competition) 2010. The vibrant and passionate young woman that wida is, is reflected in her writing, with much to offer readers who would like an insight into the beauty and heartbreak that is Afghanistan. Wida’s talent and quest to bring honour to our treasured country Afghanistan is very admirable.)

The Best Poem Of Wida Tausif

A Farewell To A Manager

'Today brings the end of our trip
our time as a group is now over, that's it
I love the simple word hello
It always rings an enjoyable bell
But one of the saddest words i know
is the tearful word farewell.
The word farewell often brings tears
And I've never known it to bring happiness
in fact the time you say farewell
could also mean your very last goodbye
Farewell is a feeling
of something that’s gone
Farewell is a memory
that stays for too long
Farewell is everything
that’s been left unspoken
Goodbye to a farewell Manager
Goodbye to a farewell friend,
I never expected you to leave but you ran away,
You said you would stay,
But just like that you slammed the door in my face,
So I guess you weren’t meant to stay,
that’s why I say today you’re my farewell friend,
I wish you farewell,
to new and better things,
No matter how tough it is,
never give it up.
Reach for what you want,
and you'll fly into the sky.
So long, I submit you a farewell,
No matter how hard it may be to let you go.
I'll see you again, or perhaps not,
whether you come to visit or it's in my memories.
Never overlook those who love you,
I'm here for you.
I wish you a farewell,
to a new and more thrilling adventure.
Although there will be hard times,
Forget them and remember the good ones
you had here with your staff members or I should say family
”Now I stand here in this small field,
waiting for you to come,
I just can’t face the fact that you’re gone”

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