Will Brophy

Will Brophy Poems

What’s this I see?
The clouds begin to part?
The walls of this eternal maze begin to fall away?

Will Brophy Biography

I am WIll Brophy, I guess I don't really have much of a biography to be honest considering I'm 13 years old. I write poems because I have a hard time expressing my real self through spoken words. That's also why the majority of my social life is done over the internet. I do admit that my poems seem to reuse metaphores and stuff and since I've only recently started writing peoms in my spare time I'm still trying to get out of that rut. I mostly write in order to release anger and sadness that I have towards people in my life and towards myself. There's one person in particular that led me to do what I do.)

The Best Poem Of Will Brophy

You As My Eyes

What’s this I see?
The clouds begin to part?
The walls of this eternal maze begin to fall away?

Finally it comes to pass that I am free to be.
My salvation now begins
Now that we are joined.

For so long apart we wandered
But now we have the other half
to lift us past the walls.

With you as my eyes
I will see the world so clear.

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