William Barlow

William Barlow Poems

Though I am olde clothed ī barbarous wede
Nothynge garnysshed with gaye eloquency
Yet I tell the trouth yf ye lyst to take hede

Awake ye gostely persones awake awake
Bothe preste pope bisshoppe & Cardinall.
Considre wisely what wayes that ye take


With soroufull harte maye I coplayne
Cōcerninge the chaunce of my misery

Christ goddes; sonne borne of a mayden poore
Forto save mankynd from heven descended.
Pope Clemente. the sonne of an whoore

O Christen reder from rashnes refraine
Of hastye iudgemēt & lyght sentence.
though sū reckē it frowardnes of brayne

Soroufull was the kyng replete w wo & payne
Whan he the letter reed but yet his inwarde sore
He wolde to no ma showe but shortly wrot agayne

Of the prowde Cardinall this is the shelde
Borne vp betwene two angels off Sathan.
The sixe blouddy axes in a bare felde

Thys treatyse more than an C. yere olde
Declareth howe owre prelatis do ferre a mysse
Which of frowarde presumpcion are so bolde

The Best Poem Of William Barlow

A CompēDious Olde Treatyse

Though I am olde clothed ī barbarous wede
Nothynge garnysshed with gaye eloquency
Yet I tell the trouth yf ye lyst to take hede
Agaynst theyr frowarde furious frenesy
Which recken it for a great heresy
And vnto laye people greuous outrage
To haue goddes worde in their natyfe langage
Enemyes I shall haue many a shoren crowne
With forked cappes and gaye croosys of golde
Which to maynteyne ther ambicious renowne
Are glad laye people in ignorance to holde
Yet to shewe the verite one maye be bolde
All though it be a prouerbe daylye spoken
Who that tellyth trouth his head shalbe brokē.

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