William Cosmo Monkhouse

Rating: 4.67
Rating: 4.67

William Cosmo Monkhouse Poems

There was a young lady of Niger
Who smiled as she rode on a tiger;
They returned from the ride
With the lady inside,

There once was a girl of Lahore,
The same shape behind as before;
As no one knew where
To offer a chair,

There once was an old man of Lyme
Who married three wives at a time,
When asked, "Why a third?"
He replied, "One's absurd!

There was a young lady named Laura,
Who went to the wilds of Angora,
She came back on a goat
With a beautiful coat,

There once was an old monk of Basing,
Whose salads were something amazing;
But he told his confessor
That Nebuchadnezzar

True — there are books and books. There’s Gray,
For instance, and there’s Bacon;
There’s Longfellow, and Monstrelet,

There was a young lady named Laura,
Who went to the wilds of Angora,
She came back on a goat
With a beautiful coat,

There once was an old man of Lyme
Who married three wives at a time,
When asked, 'Why a third?'
He replied, 'One's absurd!

Sing a song of Spring-time,
The world is going round,
Blown by the south wind:
Listen to its sound.

PLAY me a march, low-ton’d and slow—a march for a silent tread,
Fit for the wandering feet of one who dreams of the silent dead,
Lonely, between the bones below and the souls that are overhead.

There was a young lady of Wilts,
Who walked up to Scotland on stilts;
When they said it was shocking
To show so much stocking

There once was an old monk of Basing,
Whose salads were something amazing;
But he told his confessor
That Nebuchadnezzar

WHO remains in London,
In the streets with me,
Now that Spring is blowing
Warm winds from the sea;

NOW, sitting by her side, worn out with weeping,
Behold, I fell to sleep, and had a vision,
Wherein I heard a wondrous Voice intoning:

Part I.

A couple old sat o'er the fire,
And they were bent and gray;

There once was a girl of Lahore,
The same shape behind as before;
As no one knew where
To offer a chair,

UNDER her gentle seeing,
In her delicate little hand,
They placed the Book of Being,
To read and understand.

THERE is a singing in the summer air,
The blue and brown moths flutter o’er the grass,
The stubble bird is creaking in the wheat,
And perch’d upon the honeysuckle-hedge

There was a young lady of Wilts,
Who walked up to Scotland on stilts;
When they said it was shocking
To show so much stocking


WHO calls me bold because I won my love,
And did not pine,
And waste my life with secret pain, but strove
To make him mine?

William Cosmo Monkhouse Biography

William cosmo Monkhouse was born In London on 18th March 1840. In 1870-1871 he visited South America in connection with the hospital accommodation for seamen at Valparaiso and, other ports; and he served on different departmental committees, notably that of the Mercantile Marine Fund. He was twice married: first, to Laura, and, secondly, to- Leonora Eliza, He died in London on the 20th of July 1901.William Monkhouse was one of those who not only had a vocation, but an avocation. His first love was poetry, and in 1865 he issued A Dream of Idleness and Other Poems, a collection strong poems coloured by his admiration for Wordsworth and Tennyson. It was marked by exceptional maturity, and scarcely received the recognition it deserved. Owing perhaps to this circumstance, it was not untill 1890 that he published Corn and Poppies, a collection which contained at least one memorable effort in the well-known Dead March. Five years later appeared a limited edition of the striking ballad of The Christ upon the Hill, illustrated with etchings by Mr William Strang. After his death the volume Pasiteles the Elder and other Poems (including The Christ upon the Hill).was published. "As a poet, his ambition was so wide and his devotion to the art so thorough, that it is difficult not to regret the slender bulk of his legacy to posterity.")

The Best Poem Of William Cosmo Monkhouse

Limerick: There Was A Young Lady Of Niger

There was a young lady of Niger
Who smiled as she rode on a tiger;
They returned from the ride
With the lady inside,
And the smile on the face of the tiger.

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