William M. Wismer

William M. Wismer Poems

Have you seen gentle wind in the willows? Have you heard how it softly blows?
Have you watched the branches swaying where the weeping willow grows?
Oh the wind in the willow is soothing when it blows so gently and soft.
It is like the caress of Spring raindrops and warm sunshine from aloft.

Oh beautiful Magnolia, you're blossoming again.
It's early Spring and there you are like you have always been.
Your glorious Spring time beauty is wondrous to behold,
But it is such a little while until your blossoms fold.

In Spring I see the blossoms there lying in the dust.
Tis sad but it's a phase of things like iron turned to rust.
We cannot change the plan of life which nature has ordained.
There are unchanging happenings, immutably ingrained.

The Best Poem Of William M. Wismer

The Wind In The Willows

Have you seen gentle wind in the willows? Have you heard how it softly blows?
Have you watched the branches swaying where the weeping willow grows?
Oh the wind in the willow is soothing when it blows so gently and soft.
It is like the caress of Spring raindrops and warm sunshine from aloft.

Have you ever thought about living and how lucky we are to be here?
I have to believe mother nature has blessed the earth with good cheer.
Oh wind that blows through the willows, please carry this message along
Tell Dear Old Mother Nature, our love for Her always is strong.

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