William Naval jr

William Naval jr Poems

To my future self,

I greet you warmly from the past and with struggle i begin to say

Today i posed a question to the Lord
Asking him honestly what he made me for
I futher explained in my question posed
I am weak, I faulter, and am more imperfect than most

Emptyness, loneliness, abandoned, to blame
Unworthy, broken, rejected, ashamed
Why.... why am i here, why not take me now
I surrender in tears, my life to you i vow

The Best Poem Of William Naval jr

To My Future

To my future self,

I greet you warmly from the past and with struggle i begin to say

if you are reading these words congrats, youve made it farther than today.

You've made it beyond my now and are living in your present time

Where i hope we have managed to be happy, by leaving our sorrows all behind

I tell you now that my present is good but not quite grand

Ive recently discovered my failures and am trying to understand.

Trying to push past my wrongs that would have me torment my mind

Trying to look forward, doing good, in hopes of leaving the torment all behind

I think its safe to tell you we have suffered and endured much pain

Mostly caused by ourselves, we too have regretable shame

But i want to say it must be okay we made it to where ever you are

And i need you to always remember where weve come from and how incredibly far.

Stay humble always and remember to thank god for it all

Remember the blessings you have been given even after our repititious fall

Im sure in your present you find struggles still banging at your door

So i want you to remember to stop doing our will and take refuge in the lord.

If you should find yourself distracted from the most important thing in life

remember to put the worldy things down and make Jesus the focus of your sight.

Remember the peace i feel now in the comfort of a greater power

Remember to look for gods gifts during your most terrifying hour.

Remember to show love to your wife as much you humanly can

Because through all of your weaknesses she has made you a better man

Remember to love your children and invest your time in them well

Remember what you needed at their ages so you may help them to prevail

Remember life was mean as a youth, especially when dad wasnt there

Remember mom was most helpful but how you wished dad would show his care

Remember your role as a father, for your kids will do as you do.

Remember our long term goal was to leave behind a better man than you.

Remember to treat your wife like christ treats his church
Remember to love her and protect her even though it hurts

Remember to love your wife openly, gently, and true
Your daughters will learn this and will seek a man like you.

Remember to make jesus the center or your world, heart and mind

So when we finally enter his kingdom, a place for us we may find.

Love, live, laugh, pray and should you fall, then rise

Dont quit, sulk, despair or hate and if you cant see then open your eyes.

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