Willow Billow Poems

Hit Title Date Added
A Puppy And A Suprise

Puppies are oh so cute
My husband got me one today
Oh hurray
She is all white and furry

My Daughter Jadia

I have my baby girl Jadia here with me
she is what makes me glee
She is the reason I pee
I hate to see her grow

Joaquin My Son And Disappointment

Joaquin O my Joaquin
You take my breath away and not in a good way
You never listen to what I have to say
You will pay

Josephine Is The Best In The West!

Josephine O my Josephine
You are in my dreams
You are always on my team
You make my heartache

My Small Little Friend Koi

Koi O Koi
You are a nice little boy
I met you today
You showed me the way

Greecie O Gracie

Greecie O Gracie
Whatever your name is
You Ace every quiz
Do you have a friend named Liz

Mom Which Is A Bomb

Mom, O Mom
You are de bomb
You are calm
You smell nice

Dad Your Name Isn't Brad

Dad, I am so glad you name is not Brad
But my name Chad
You're so glad
You braided my hair every day

Eliza My Valentine

My Eliza, My honey,
The love of my life
Will you be my Valentina?

Nana Is A Banana

O my nana isn't herself
She's not an elf
she's not a shelf
My nana O my nana

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