XxxBellicose BarbiexxX

XxxBellicose BarbiexxX Poems

Freaks, goth, emo, scene your all stupid to think that
it all has some kind of meaning.
Misery and misfortune do not have face or a category
so get over yourselves and think of some other flattery.

Thanks you taught me so well
but I'm afraid I have to say farewell.
Because the screeching and screaming were really gonna keep me.
I walk away with nothing to say nothing
but the cold nights embrace and a smile on my face.


Your fighting with her shes screaming at you.
I sit in the corner and try to wait til its all over.
But its no use because all I could do is ask whats wrong with you?

Look at me and frown at what I've become
I wish nothing more than to take back
what I have done.

Emptiness, hatred, depression these are now the things
that fill my life. before i would've cringed at my morbidity.
I would've shied from the knife.

XxxBellicose BarbiexxX Biography

well im 13 and im just kinda starting to write so I'd love your honset opinions but please dont be so harsh thanks :))

The Best Poem Of XxxBellicose BarbiexxX


Freaks, goth, emo, scene your all stupid to think that
it all has some kind of meaning.
Misery and misfortune do not have face or a category
so get over yourselves and think of some other flattery.
Different makes you scared and
maybe we'd be concerned if we actually cared.
Tell you the truth were not that different
however your so stuck up and snoby you've never actually listened.
Its a never-ending battle that can never be won so stop and
think of the damage already done.

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