Yoru Hoshigiri

Yoru Hoshigiri Poems

You feel my heart by your fantastic heart,
You feel my blood by your majestic blood,
You feel my soul... This your slave-soul,
Because you are my perfect queen,

My blood is fire flow in veins
And angry power of proud
Is giving bombs of evil pains
From an innormal crowd,

I have much lightning spirks
On the tree of mine wit.
Thus, the thought, that works
On the process of the digging pit

The time is great, the perfect lord
Of humans' sense and life,
The time is catching with a cord
All lifes with happy, death from knife

I look on stupid dedications
For violence and angryness,
For lust on cruel situations.
O, this society distress!


I live in love stability,
I wear my soul in chest.
How much need you ability
To do the hardy quest

I know supervisual effects
Of your impressive beauty,
That evil from my heart detects.
O, winter, do your endless duty.

The Best Poem Of Yoru Hoshigiri

Infinity Of Love

You feel my heart by your fantastic heart,
You feel my blood by your majestic blood,
You feel my soul... This your slave-soul,
Because you are my perfect queen,
That slaves can fabricate from kings.
You play? You live with pain in epic role
Of being the flying fervent empress-dove
That generates infinity of love.

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