zaineb alsaygh

zaineb alsaygh Poems

I give you all my life treasures
The love which live in my heart,
The sun, the moon, the stars,
The entire world I put it in your hands.

i'm a little bird
You caught me by your tricks
And put me in your cage


Life is as beautiful rose,
Well looks, smells nice
But, it hurts you by its spines.

As a wind

Pretty, nice, playing with your hair
Telling you many life stories,

Little one

Don't think you are little one

The Best Poem Of zaineb alsaygh

Never Come Back Again

I give you all my life treasures
The love which live in my heart,
The sun, the moon, the stars,
The entire world I put it in your hands.

But, you give me nothing
You blocked your doors
Closed your windows
And dropped your shutters

I'll never search for the reasons
I'll end all the seasons
I'll burn all the pens
And never come back again

zaineb alsaygh Comments

zaineb 28 January 2020

my name is zaineb cnjhwhn

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