Bernard F. Asuncion Flowers Poems

Fragrant Flowers

F-ragrant flowers in the forest
A-im to please the nose neath the skies;
Y-ellow, lavender, red, and white
E-nd the lonely look in the eyes.

Many Flowers In Bloom

M-any flowers in bloom
A-re amazing to behold;
R-ed roses really blossom
I-n the eyes of young and old.

Flowers In The Garden

The flowers in the garden
Do delight the eyes of men
With beauty neath the heaven.

As You Hold The White Flowers

A-fter the twilight is gone,
D-awn begins to break;
E-vening haze disappears,
L-ight warms the heartache.

Warmed By The Flowers

L-et misty Tuesday pass,
H-aze and fog fade away;
Y-our heart is bathed with sunlight,
N-ight turns into a lovely Wednesday.

Pink Flowers

J-ust let Monday mist
E-vaporate into the night;
S-hadows have disappeared,
S-unrise sets things

As Fresh Flowers Bloom

J-ust let the new dawn break,
E-arly twenty-seventh December;
S-unny Tuesday morning
S-hines after your slumber.

Jar Of Flowers

J-anuary twenty-sixth morn
O-pens the day with soft wind;
S-hadow of the night
I-s coming to an

Crown Of Flowers

L-et twenty-first January
O-pen the day in a right way;
U-nderneath the blue lane,
I-nclement clime stays away.

Flowers For Your Birthday

F-lowers for your birthday
E-xcites your heart and mind;
I-n sixth sunny December, three red roses make you fine.

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