Francis Duggan Friendship Poems

Friendship Of A Dog

The best friend most people have is their dog on your dog for friendship you can depend
Than your ever devoted canine you cannot have a better friend
Your dog will never forsake you he or she will be your friend for life
A dog's love you can rely on far more than the love of your wife,

That's What Friendship's About

It may not be any of those you drink with in the bar
When you are in trouble you'll know who your friends are,
Your friends will not desert you in your time of need
Just like it is said such friends are friends indeed,

True Friendship

Your relationship has undergone great strain
But your true friend as your true friend does remain
And as friends with him you are destined to stay
Till in your lives the reaper has the final say.

True Friendship The Test Of

My friend and I did quarrel and a punch up did take place
And when I asked him for his forgiveness a smile lit up his face
We shook hands and we made up that's what friendship is about
Your friend he will forgive you though you punch him in the mouth.

Since Friendship

Since friendship is something on trees that does not grow
You cannot like every one you get to know
And likewise not every one will like you
Dislike is a thing that is felt by two

This Is What Friendship Is About

That most of us have our hard times why otherwise pretend
And when in financial difficulties then you do need a friend
It is at such a time that you know who your friends are
And none of them may be of the group you drink with at the public bar

The Strong Bonds Of Friendship

They have had many fallouts but as friends they remain
The strong bonds of friendship can withstand great strain
The strong bonds of friendship great quarrels survive
And in times of hardship even seem to thrive

They Needed Your Vote Not Your Friendship

Politicians just before an Election are friendly as friendly can be
They say to you life for you will be better if you vote for my Party and me
But when elected and given a mandate more likely than not you they will ignore
Power can go to the head rather quickly one might say we've heard that before

Your Dog's Friendship

Human friendships are conditional why even pretend
Your dog is your only unconditional friend
For a few pats, a few words of kindness and a good feed every day
For as long as she or he lives your dog as your friend will stay

Friendship As You Know

Friendship as you know can be a fickle thing
Though the praises of it many are known to sing
Where friendship once was bitterness sometimes grow
To that you may add tell us something we don't know

Friendship Is Honor

Friendship is honor why otherwise pretend

If you are not true to your higher self you cannot be anyone's friend

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