Ramesh T A Loneliness Poems

Immortal Love Makes Loneliness As Nil!

Insatiable desire of love haunts when thoughts of lovely beauty queen comes;
There is no limit for enjoyment of love between intimate souls of high quality;
Even when one bird has flown away to an unknown abode in the Universe,
Spiritually the fused together of loving souls again enact game of love in dreams!

Overcoming Loneliness In Life!

One is driven to loneliness by the deaths of close ones
To one as handicap in life, but it is compensated by the
Proximity of friends who are natural brothers, though not
By blood relationship in the world we are all partners!

Overcome Loneliness!

We all long for joy and peace with the company we like most ever;
It is not possible as such companions are not able to meet often;
But via Computer websites this drawback is solved in modern world,
Though website friends are not possible to meet in person ever!


As born alone and die alone
Loneliness is part of life all know
in group or alone, it makes one prepared!

Loneliness Of One In The Crowd!

Being a prisoner of situation, one can only wait for apt circumstance to say
What's one's self is, doing all possible things silently for the well being of all in
The joint family working with others with no way to reveal hardship ever;
But simply swallowing bitter truth hoping of miracle redeeming one one day!

Nature Makes One Forget Loneliness!

Nature is the only company in loneliness, when near and dear ones are far off;
Getting solace, encouragement and inspiration seeing birds and others sure;
Their searches for food and noises keep them spend the whole day ever;
Their such activities urges too to get into works we deeply love to do here!

The Final Resort Of Man In Loneliness!

Unable to live natural life of human, live mechanical life as machine;
Unable to bear violence and wars of the world, many lose peace of mind;
For all the ills of life and losses in the world, where can one seek solace?
Nature is the only bode one can get comfort and peace in its serenity nowhere else!

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