RoseAnn V. Shawiak Staring Poems

Staring Out The Window

Waiting patiently for you to come into my life this
morning, hoping to be made one with your heart.

Having tossed and turned throughout the night with-

Staring Into The Future

Staring out the window, looking at reflections of double images staring back at me.
Watching leaves shaking slightly in the night time breeze.
Mindful of many joyful memories of Mom, tears fill my eyes because she is not home.
Pulling my heart like salt water taffy in all directions, emotions continue to tear me apart.

Staring Tears

My heart has broken in two and is lying at my feet.
I have no wish to pick it up.
I stand staring at it as tears gush out.
A spectacle to behold, forming a waterfall from my soul,

Staring At Your Picture

Loneliness and abandonment filling this heart with your
loss, having to continue this life without you my dear
is a feat I do not feel I'm up to.

Reflections Staring

Traveling on a journey to another world in dimensions unfolding before imagination.
Seeing all sorts of reflections staring back at me through the years.
A lifetime of wonderful experiences set deeply in memory's mindful tranquility.

Staring Images

Images staring through the ages, teardrops glistening on
faces of memories pasted solidly in my photographic mind.
Folding in, abounding thoughts float on future horizons,
while I sit and reminisce alone in an old rocking chair.

Staring Blankly

Settling into another evening where you aren't with me,
staring at the moon and stars blankly.

Not thinking of anything connected to love, because

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