A. P. Hancock Poems

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50th Birthday - As You Begin Your 51st Year (Just For Fun)

As you begin, your 51st year
We pray that it starts, with joy and cheer
Because we all know, that as the year moves on
Your memory will fail, and your wits will be gone

Why, Oh Why, Oh Why (Poverty)

Dedicated to All the Poor Children of The World

I saw my old friend Cal today, on the eve before Santa night
He was eight years old and going on more, without his dad in sight.

To Smell The Roses Sweet

I think you need a morning break, come walk with me awhile
Forget the world of push and shove, and let me see you smile

Playing In The Snow

Look outside the window here, the snow fell deep last night
Let's get our coats and mittens on, and have a snowball fight

The Heart Of The Matter Is The Heart (Poverty)

My three bed two bath mansion, Cal's old cardboard box
The heart of the matter is the heart

My steak and lobster bisque, Cal's lunch meat sandwich stuff

A Friendship Tried And True

Come and sit here next to me, while dark clouds pass on by
We'll listen to the thunder roll, and watch the heavens cry

Come and sit here next to me, I have the blanket warm

With Tigers Clowns And Friend

Grab your coat it's time to go, the circus starts today
No excuses no I can’ts, we're all but on our way,

A Day With Fun And Friend

Come with me now and let's enjoy, our open air café
We'll change the world some other time, this is our special day

I'M Waiting For The Time (Poverty)

The Good Book says that there’s a time, a time for everything
A time to laugh, a time to cry, a time to dance and sing
So I’m waiting for a time when hate, is buried cold and deep
A time when peace and unity, are the harvest that we reap

Take A Chance And Fly

Let's dare ourselves to take a chance, and ride the big balloon
I know you're scared to dance that dance, but winter's coming soon

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